Inner silence is a love messenger

A silent mind can easily contact the realm of the non-physicality. Sometimes it is not an easy task to do so because there is nothing you have to do but one thing which is to be. Out of the emptiness of mind comes: wisdom, love and clarity. When you're silent you can open the doors of the unknown with confidence. You're connected with the source of well-being which is: joy, simplicity and kindness. This state can be enhanced by being present in the moment without thinking just sensing the world around you and inside of you. First of all, It's helpfull from time to time to set aside and observe your thoughts without any judgment. In this way you allow a room for inner silence to come in because It's always here and the reason that you don't feel it is the shutter of the mind. Second,It's important to start paying attention to the inside rather the outside. We've been programmed to look to the outside: others approval, success with society standards, our...