A Concentration Shift

   Rather than focusing on the negative side of your life, you can shift your attention to new intentions. First, in our life we have so many good things but also so many desires that haven’t yet achieved. That’s why we may feel that there is a gap between where we’re now and where we want to be. In fact, this gap exists only in our head. Second, we have to differentiate between what we have and who we are. If we are constantly chasing happiness and fulfilment in an outside source then we loose it from the inside. Trying always to grasp and to cling to things turn our attention from the source and leave us in a state of misery because something or someone will be always missing from our life. So when we stop this illusion of identifying with outer sources, we’ll get to the source of all success and happiness which flows from the inside.
Excercise :
1-   Name a intention that you want to have in the futur.
2-   Visualise that you’re having it right now.
3-   Feel the feelings that you have in your entire body.
4-   Let go of your intention.
5-   Pay attention to the people and events that come in your life and facilitate the manifestation of your intention.


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